Spending more time at home has allowed us to spend more time doing the things we never got around to prior to the pandemic. For some, that’s cleaning out the attic or redecorating. For others, including New Life volunteer Tim O’Loughlin, it’s developing a hobby. The Medfield resident has honed his painting skills to produce beautiful works of art. Tim, his wife Jamie, and Jenn Marshall – whose husband Doug co-founded New Life and serves as President of the Board of Directors – came together to arrange for one painting to be donated to New Life for every painting purchased. Each painting donated to New Life will be available in our online furniture bank, giving our clients the opportunity to add a personal touch to their home. The creativity and generosity of the New Life community continues to astound us.
To purchase a painting for your own home, contact Jamie O’Loughlin at 617-899-7844 or jamieloneal@yahoo.com. You’ll have a new piece from a local artist and someone transitioning out of homelessness will have a painting to make their new residence feel like home.
About The Author: Amanda Hartley
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