
New Life is a vibrant, volunteer driven organization. Whether it’s furniture movers preparing items for pickup, client hosts assisting individuals in selecting their items, or the paint / repairs team ensuring new additions are available for our inventory, the collective efforts of our dedicated volunteers form the backbone of our operations. Nearly 1,500 volunteers work together every year to ensure that individuals and families transitioning out of homelessness receive furniture.

The Order Gathering team is a vital part of New Life.  A team of volunteers work together to find and gather all items for each client order – an average of 15 orders per week.  Collected items for each order are brought to the main level and are delivered to their new home the very next day.  See the team in action here.  Please email Amanda Hartley at amanda.hartley@newlifefb.org to learn more about this role. 

Read about previously highlighted volunteer roles

How will you volunteer?


View opportunities for ages 12+ and sign up.


Learn about group opportunities and submit an interest form.


Lend your expertise on one of our many committees.


Volunteer FAQs

What do I wear? Can kids volunteer? All the answers and more.

Add Remote Hours

Remote volunteers (committees, Virtual Client Hosts, etc.) can record hours here.

Volunteer Community Meeting

Click to review our slides from our recent Community Meeting to see where we are to date and the impact you’ve made as a volunteer!

Welcome to New Life Furniture Bank of MA. We take pride in being a volunteer-driven organization. Since Doug Marshall and Ron Yates started New Life in 2013, our dedicated volunteers have worked tirelessly to serve thousands of individuals and families in need of a new beginning.

When someone is able to transition into permanent housing, they often have only their clothing. We partner with various organizations to provide a client with furniture and/or housewares – a bed to sleep on, a table to eat at, dishes to eat from…things that many of us take for granted, but everyone deserves to have.

However, providing furniture at no cost requires the generous help of volunteers. Whether it is cleaning gently used furniture, writing grants, or working one-on-one with our clients, volunteers are involved in all aspects of our operation. Simply put, we could not do what we do without volunteers like you.
We recognize people live busy lives. Maybe you work full time, regularly take care of your grandchildren, or play for an athletic team. We are grateful you have chosen to dedicate time to volunteering with us. Your efforts and time here have long lasting affects on the clients we serve.

Thank you for your commitment to helping individuals and families transitioning out of homelessness and Welcome to our family of volunteers.

See you soon,

New Life Furniture Bank of MA Team