Join us for our 4th Annual 5k Trail Run! Runners and walkers of all ages are welcome.
In-Person* | May 8, 2021 | Medfield State Hospital
Participants will wait in their cars and have staggered start times to allow for social distancing.
Virtual | April 17 – May 8, 2021 | 5k from Anywhere!
After last year’s success with our Virtual 5k, we’re doing it again! Participants can complete their 5k whether they’re in Medfield or across the world.
*The in-person event will only occur if Massachusetts moves into the stage of Phase 4 that allows road races. We will make a decision about whether or not the in-person event will occur by April 30th. If we are not able to hold the in-person event, in-person registrations will be converted to virtual registrations.
100% of proceeds benefit New Life Furniture Bank of MA
About The Author: Rpurnell
More posts by rpurnell