Walpole Drop-off

Saturdays 9:30-11:30

No appointment required. Closings are posted at the top of our website. At this time, we cannot accommodate drop-offs from the community at any other time. 


Drop-off is closed Memorial Day weekend, Independence Day weekend, Labor Day weekend and during the December holidays.

“I took a car load of stuff over on Saturday and the process couldn’t have been easier or the people nicer. Now that I know about New Life, it is sure to be my go to place for donations.”

The Process

  1. Review What We Accept to avoid frustrations. We reserve the right to refuse any items that are damaged, stained, or deemed unsuitable for clients.

  2. Saturdays: During drop-off hours, enter on West Street . Stop before the gate, or get in line if other vehicles are waiting. A volunteer will offer a receipt for your taxes and direct you into a bay when it becomes available.

  3. Saturdays: A volunteer will direct you to back into a bay when it becomes available.

On Saturdays, enter on West Street. You will be directed to turn around if you try to enter on Elm Street.