Currently clients must schedule their pickup time when they confirm their virtual furniture bank appointment. Pickup time is always Saturdays at 11 a.m. in the week of their virtual appointment.
Email #
You should have received the Appointment Scheduled email from our scheduling software. In addition to your virtual appointment on DAY DATE, you are scheduled to pick up your furniture order on [DAY DATE] at [TIME]. There are some important procedures to follow for a successful pickup and the health and safety of everyone:
- You must come with a 15 foot box truck or larger to your scheduled furniture pickup.
- Leave yourself one hour to rent your truck at the truck rental agency. Check and account for travel time to our location at 102 Elm Street, Walpole, MA. If using GPS, make sure that the GPS is sending you to Walpole, NOT Medfield. Use the Walpole Train station as a destination, if you see that your GPS app sends you to the wrong town/location.
- Please arrive by [TIME]. If you are late, you will not be able to pick up your furniture order. We are unable to reschedule furniture pickups or offer a second virtual appointment. It is better to be early than late!
On the day of your pickup:
- On the day of your scheduled pickup: If you run into any issues or cannot attend your furniture pickup – CALL or TEXT Amanda at 508-203-7284
- Upon arrival for your pickup, CALL or TEXT Amanda at 508-203-7284 and she will instruct you further.
- Please unlock the back of the box truck prior to pulling up to our loading dock.
- Please stay in the truck once at our loading dock.
- Our volunteers will load your furniture order into the truck. The volunteers will close and latch the back of the truck once your order has been loaded.