- Never use the elevator in an emergency.
- Yellow lines indicate emergency aisles, which must be kept clear of furniture and equipment to prevent any tripping hazards.
- Boxes can be highly flammable. Boxes must be stored on the cardboard storage shelving to reduce the fire hazard. Storing boxes under the tables, on the floor, or anywhere else creates a tripping hazard.
- All 3 fire exits must remain clear.
Northeast corner through the emergency door (next to the heating unit, near the misfit shelf)
Leads to: Gravel parking area behind loading dock, near dumpsters
To open: Unlatch the top and bottom bolts to open the door and access the stairs outside
Next to the fire exit
Beside client reception, go through main door
Leads to: Lobby and out to loading dock parking lot
To open: Turn deadbolt if locked, then push
Next to the opening between sections 1 and 2
Northwest corner through the door (to the right if you’re facing away from the showroom)
Leads to: Near the train station
To open: Unlatch the deadbolt and turn the handle to open. At the bottom of the stairway, press and hold the bar on the door and push/kick hard to open the door and get outside.
TWO are on the far right side of the room (if facing away from the showroom beyond the heater)
Fire Extinguisher Operation #
When safe to do so, attempt to extinguish the fire using the P.A.S.S. method. If you have any doubts about your ability to contain a fire, evacuate immediately.
Pull the pin. This will break the tamper seal. Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire. Squeeze the handle to release the extinguishing agent. Sweep from side to side until the fire appears to be out. Repeat S & S if the fire reignites.