Effective April 1, 2023 #
New Life will only be accepting beds at drop-off on the last Saturday per month or anytime from pickups/furniture partners.
A fee of $35 per mattress/box spring will be required regardless of condition to cover the cost of sanitization and bagging. Fees will only apply to pickup requests submitted April 1, 2023 or later.
The first Saturday collection will be April 29, 2023.
Payment #
- People will be accepted through cash, check, Venmo, or on our website through credit card. People will be required to show proof for the latter two options.
- New Life will provide a receipt.
Intake Procedures #
On the last Saturday of the month (unless holidays conflict):
- Park the truck in the bay closest to the entrance.
- Upon recieving bed(s), determine if each is 1) good or 2) trash. Apply a trash sticker to the top in the upper righthand corner if it’s trash. It needs to be in a consistent location for when it gets unloaded at the mattress facility.
- Accept payment of $35 per mattress/box spring regardless of size. For credit card via the website or Venmo, the donor will need to provide proof of payment. Showing their phone screen is fine.
- Record the following on a receipt. Give a copy to the donor.
- Date
- Quantity
- Total fee
- Payment type
- Put the beds directly into the truck separated by condition.
- When there is down time, load beds accumulated from pickups into the truck.
- At the end of the shift, return the truck to the parking lot.
Supplies #
- Trash stickers
- Receipts
- Cash box
- Pen
Basement Layout #
Changes coming soon. Current layout depicted.